Thursday, November 15, 2012


The first thing I am going to say is that I imagine this next place called the afterlife that we are going to will be very close to heaven. This place is before we get our bodies back in the resurrection. Well, you probably want to know how we get there to the afterlife. This is how I picture it:

Well before we go we all gather round and we all get turned into what we want to be. And what I want to be is a swan and very graceful like a ballerina and they can fly. But we all know that we will be our purest version of ourselves and there is nothing better in this world than a little girl, so I will probably be that. But I am hoping for a swan.

So then we would spin spin spin and fly fly fly into the next world afterlife. This world would be very close and heaven would be very close, we would be able to visit both of them with no problem and we would always visit heaven anytime that we wanted to play chess and checkers and hide and go seek and freeze tag. Heaven would not be our permanent home though. No body=no living in heaven, just visiting. Heaven would also be the place that we paint and explore. Heaven would be so filled with places to explore that I like to imagine what it looks like.

But back to the afterflife. You will always live with your family. So Myri will be the doll next to my swan stream where I live in and mom will be there as the tree feeding off of my lake. If I make a guess Dad would probably be a blue bird living in mom's tree and he would take mom's tree on rides around the universe on dates. Because mom being a big tree and him being a small bird won't matter. No gravity in the afterlife.

Gaebriel will be a bassilica and his bassilica will protect our forest. It will be called the Lillokomete Forest and the YM (pronounced Emmy) Lake, the Fairlighting Tree, and the Blue Burning Bird (like the phoenix, symbol of the resurrection that's about to happen) and the Doll of Myribeauty and the Brother Basillica.

But we would also need to explore all over the afterlife, because we have not spent a lot of time imagining it and so it needs to be built up from our imaginations and become more and more exciting for people to explore so they aren't sad while they wait to get their perfect bodies back.

I think the way that the timing works is after you grow old you start over again and after you do this for 2 times in the afterlife celebrating with your family and exploring it then you have a year of visiting friends in heaven. Then you have another 2 years of being whatever you want to be wherever you want to be (maybe back on the earth helping your great great grandchildren out or something like that).

For our year that was all together it would be one big celebration and even excitinger things than we do here.

Then in the year of visiting we would all go and visit together and we would wear robes of bright colors and our veils of valence streaming from our hair as we flew and we would first visit all of our friends and cousins and stuff and then all together we would go and visit Heavenly Father. To get to the holiest place we would have to turn into our shape-shifting shapes and everything would have to climb into the mommy tree and then the tree would be plucked up to the highest heaven.


The wonderful thing is that we will be living outside because we will be able to feel the cold and hot but not discomfort with those perfected bodies and so we could go to the Redwood and Sequoia forest all of the time and not almost have our feet fall off from freezing because a surprise storm comes in the middle of the night while we are in a tent!

I want to know if heaven is one room. If it is I want to explore all of that room. If it is one planet then I want to explore all of that planet. I think it will be filled with clouds and I would love a bed made out of clouds. I think that we can sleep if we want to because maybe we want to end something and start over again in a morning. Then you can sleep. But our bodies will maybe not need to sleep. But maybe we will be so excited about going to explore something as when we were about to go and explore the Harry Potter Studios! And we wanted to stay up all night but our bodies couldn't. In heaven you can stay up all night if you are very excited like the night before you go on the wildest waterslide on heaven!

I wonder what the meals will be. I'm hoping that some of them will be spaghetti or mashed potatoes or cake or Reeses Pieces and popcorn and chicken noodle soup and chickpeas and spinach. But what if we don't eat? Then I'd probably see how it is to put clouds in your mouth. Do you think that they taste like popcorn or cotton candy. The first time I saw someone eating cotton candy I thought that they were eating cloth, but it is very good.

I picture heaven with lots of clouds and so it is going to snow and rain alot. We will get the snow first and then the rain and then sun. Most people say that heaven is up high in the sky and that is why I see it with clouds, but maybe it is down in the ground. If it was there it would be tunnelly and lots of dirt and worms but does heaven have to be pretty? Well, I don't think it does. Jesus was no handsome guy and the best people that I know aren't really the prettiest. But, if heaven did have to be pretty I think that the roots of trees would be tubes that you could get sucked into like a straw and then you could see the inside of the trees and it would be more beautiful than I can tell you.

What is different about heaven from here? In heaven I think people won't be making things melt and there will be cool instruments that we haven't discovered how to make. There will be places in heaven where you dance and dance and dance and I think the music you can hear is African and then the birds will carry cinnamon on their backs and then let it out and so it smelled like cinnamon and then we would eat lots and lots of dates and coconuts. I just think that African music is different from what I am used to and I think that heaven will be very different from what I am used to in good ways.

When it did snow or rain you would have hot chocolate. Everyone there would carry a candle and they would carry it around. They would carry it to the temple of light and they would go in and go to the highest tower and put their candle on one of the little places where you put a candle and it would burn for 8 days like for Hanukkah and then you would go up and bring your candles down and put them in a special place and wait until the next year.

Let me repeat that we would play a lot in heaven. We would play and laugh and sing songs while we were doing it. When a new person came to heaven everyone would come and give them presents. It would be roses that live forever and drawings of ears, eyes, noses, and mouths. You also get plants like tiny bonsai trees and they give you quilts because you don't get cold, but the quilts are very special. They protect you and make you feel love.

You also get pillows covered in the patterns of your family tree. And everyone in heaven has their name written on that pillow. But that isn't really difficult because there is a magic in the heavens that allows millions of billions of names to fit on a pillow.

In heaven everyone has gardens because everyone wants to create things. You have everything that you need there. For holidays you give a quilt or something from your garden or you could carve a fine fairy house out of fallen trees if your sister loves fairies. But don't go chopping down trees in heaven! Sometimes in heaven trees just prune themselves and so there is something to chop on. There is nothing that you need that you don't have and the more you give to others the more you receive. Some things are the same here and there.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pings: A Novel

Chapter 1: The Underdeck

Once upon a time there was a girl and boy that lived in New Zealand. Their father owned a ship, for he loved sailing, Their names were Lileykah and Johanno. They were twins and loved to me mishchievious. Their father would take them out on ships out to sea but they never got to go on the underdeck. They were excited to go on their trip to England for their summer vacation. It was going to be the best summer vacation because they had never gone on that long of a boat ride.

It was that day when they were leaving and they got on the ship and thought nothing of what was going to happen. They got on their ship with their mother and father but had to wait one whole hour for their mother and father to get all of their packings onto the ship. They had gotten extra suitcases for things that they might find for memories of their trip. And so they set off.

It was a long day. For lunch they had salmon which they had caught themselves and for dinner they had salmon stew. Soon they were ready for bed. Laid down. Fell asleep.

At exactly midnight Lileykah woke up. Her alarm clock had gone off. She and her brother Johanno had planned on sneaking into the underdeck that night. But first, Lileykah wanted to look to see what it lookedo n the top deck and what the full moon would look like at midnight. She had heard that it was the most beautiful moon that anyone could ever see.

The moon was fine and beautiful. While she looked at it she rememberd her father teaching her about the seas. She could navigate where they were whether they were lost or not. Just then she looked down at the sea and the were definately not on the track to go to England. She thought it was impossible. She looked down at the map on her father's navigating table and it was still not right. She went to her brothers room and woke him and said, "it is time" she also told him that they were on the wrong track.

They hurriedly ran out of the upper cabin and onto the top deck. He saw that they were most certainly on the wrong track too. They thought to wake their mother and father, but then Lileykah said, "we should do our plan first, I'm absolutely certain that we can get back on track."

So they crept downstairs into the underdeck. Johanno thought the stairs were so dusty. Part of them moved. He thought even if someone scrubbed and dusted those stairs a thousand times they still could not be as fine as the full moon that night.

The got to the last step. Johanno stepped and a loud SQUEEEEEEEEEAK sounded. Lileykah and Johanno held their ears shut and hurriedly stepped onto the floor. Lileykah and Johanno said at the same time, "THAT WAS THE WORSE NOISE EVER" and they both agreed that they hoped that their mother and father had not woken.

In the underdeck they found many old captains hats, bottles, and maps. And then when they had come to the point farthest away from the stairs they found a door. Johanno said "let's go in there" and Lileykah thoroughly decided to agree. So they both quietly crept into the room. Before Lileykah could even open the door Johanno reminded her of the squeaky stair. Lileykah opened it sloooooowly. Johanno wanted to cut through the door, but Lilehkah said, "that will take too long and father will surely notice."

It was not squeaky, it was funny. The rest of the underdeck seemed to be old as though no one had touched it for ages, but this was as if it was the newest place in a castle. They stepped in and there was a library. Books of ancient times and modern times, books from every time that you can imagine. Books of fairies and knights and castles and dictionaries of all kinds. And then they came to a shelf that only had one book on it labeled "DO NOT TOUCH."

Both of them agreed that they were DEFINITELY touching it. They took the dusty book out. When they opened it out fell a note saying, "Be careful not to use this for it has different things. If you open this it will lead you to the pings."

They thought about what that meant, "lead them to the pings? what could that be."

Johanno suggested, "Maybe that is why we are off track?" But Lileykah pointed out that they were off track before ever descending the stairs. But Johanno said that maybe it was their father who had touched it, maybe it was the library that made their parents tell them that they could not come down there.

"Let's just read the book" said Lileykah.

They couldn't quite make out some of the words like the name of the island that it was about, it was blurred. It was as if the book had been written with a pen and then fallen in the water. But if it had been printed with a printing machine how would it have been blurred. Lileykah suggested, "Maybe when this book was wroted they didn't have printing machines."

Johanno read about pirates and people that had came to the island hundreds of years ago but were still their same age. It also read about a giant robot and it read about knights and castles and a  treasure. The treasure was tiny, but the biggest treasure ever. It was a pearl, and then they turned the page. Why was the page ripped? And who would rip it out? What did it say about this pearl?

Suddenly Lileykah looked out the only window in this underdeck. They had to get upstairs for they knew that their mother got up before dawn to make breakfast.

Before they opened the door to the top deck the pushed up the underdeck door just a tiny bit to be sure that their mother was not up yet.

They hurried into their bedroom wanting to sleep all day, they were just able to sleep for say 5 minutes until they heard the bell of breakfast. They of course were dreaming that they were at the island of the book. The bell rung once or maybe twice and they hurried out to see what their mother and father were doing.

Their father was at his mapping desk and the mother looking over his shoulder. Johanno and Lileykah pretended to be surprised that the path that they were on was off. "If you're not going to tell us what is going on could you at least tell us where breakfast is?" Their mother pointed at the table. It was shrimp and milk, their normal breakfast.

They started eating and ate and ate and ate. Their parents never joined them and they ignored all of their questions. An hour passed as Lileykah and Johanno played in their room and read to eachother. Of course they had the secret book in their drawer and they had some maps that they had drawn of drawing the island as they thought it might be.

Then, there was a big boom! Johanno and Lileykah rushed out. They looked on the top deck and saw that they had crashed into a big pile of rocks. Their father hopped out and saw a tall man standing there on the pile of rocks. Their father asked him "where are we" and the tall man said, "The isle of Palting, f course." The father asked again, "where?" and the tall man said, "Palting!"

"Where is England from here?"

"What is England?"

"Well, it is a country off of the coast of France."

"What if France?"

Their father tried a different approach, "Oh, nevermind, but how do we get off of this island."

"Great question. I've been here for 30 years and found that there is no way off unless we can find the treasure."

The twins looked at eachother knowing that this was their fault.

Chapter 2: The Gate and the Misunderstanding

Their father decided to first figure out the odds of if they could escape off of the island and if they could figure out what the treasure was.

The tall man said, "first, could you please introduce yourself?"

Their father said, "My name is Lachlan."

"Hello Lachlan. My name is Korso."

"Now that we have names, Korso, could you begin to explain to me what the treasure is?"

"The treasure? Oh, it is a pearl."

The twins looked at one another, thinking the same thing. As their father catched up on the treasure facts with Korso on what they already knew the children pretended like they were collecting sea shells on the beach, but were really feverishly talking. Johanno said, "Lileykah, do you think that Korso is the person who tore out the page in the book?"

"Well, it depends." Said Lileykah, Korso said that he had been here thirty years and they both knew that their father had only owned the boat for five year. Oh, if they could speak with the previous owner. It was a talk to have with their father, no doubt.

For hours the group had been walking with Korso as he led them to the place where he lived. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, their mother asked. "So, why would you be out so far from where you live?"

Of course, just then they came to a giant gate. The gate looked like it had a very bad paint job of silver. It appeared to be unpassable. But Lileykah and Johanno knew what they would have to do. They decided while Korso seemed to be looking around for a secret passage to traverse the gate to creep quietly to the place where the keyhole should be on the gate. But there was no keyhole. Lileykah and Johanno, instead of trying to pick lock it, decided to climb it. They had climbed many trees in New Zealand. But the highest tree that they had ever gone to was an oak tree at their favorite park.

This gate was much taller than the oak tree. It looked much larger than a normal gate, like the one at their home park. They decided to find a good place to start.

First, Lileykah suggested that they climb on the bars of the gate, just then they saw Korso and their mom and dad running towards them. They agreed without words that one of them should beat the adults arriving to them. Lileykah got on Johanno's shoulders and began the assent.

Just then Lileykah shot down to Johanno, "Someone is coming towards us from within the gate!"

"Do you think the person will unlock the gate for us?" Johanno shouted.

"I don't see a key in their hand."

Lileykah had just reached the top of the gate and flipped her legs over to the other side and jumped down to look for a keyhole on the opposite side. And it was there. Just as she began to pick lock the gate she saw the the person who had been coming towards the gate from within had shapeshifted into a hawk and was diving down with wings outstretched to unlock the key hole with its beak.

Lileykah jumped back, and sure enough the hawk unlocked the gate with its beak.

Everyone on the exterior side of the gate were petrified, everyone but Korso. He looked like this was a daily event.

* * *

At Korso's house, within the gate, was the perfect time for the twins to talk with their parents about the library and their mysterious findings in the library. While Korso was making a late lunch for everyone that smelled of day old fish, the family sat and began to talk.

First the mother, named Zara, was speaking with her husband Lachlan. The twins knew what they were probably talking about. The twins were doing the same. They all wondered who the shapeshifting figure was.
but the kids deicieded to get right down to buisnes.
mom dad soooooo we where just wondering if we could talk?
yes we do need to talk. come on lets sit douwn....
so look there mom said i know you where really looking forward to going to to England
we know lileykah cut in could we just have a moment of qweston?
ok go ahead.
so mom and dad look i know you kind of well dont want us to go douwn to they underdeck
but we snuck in last night johanno rushed in lileykah and johanno both said at the same time
and we found the secret library!
what secret library there parents said?
the twins where stunned. what do you mean? the library that is the reason we can't go douwn there.
kids huuuuuuu they sighed four things first you can not go douwn there because the stairs are loos and i dont want you to get heart. secoed there is no library third you should not have gone douwn there fourth i have no idea how in the world you dreamt the same thing but ... just then Korso came in
hello every body i broght you some crab he set the food douwn on the table everyone sat douwn to eat but just thene there was a nock on the door.

chapter#3 ride

Oh  i'm sorry about that i did not realize what time it was. would you excuse me for a second
of course no one said anything .  korso  walked over to the door and opened it quietly  ahhhhh coral your hear just in time good to see you again . lileykah and johanno could see no one at the position they where at so when the figure walked in they where blinded by an amazing light.

          *                  *              *

 when johanno and lileykah woke up they ameadiantly realized  what had happened you see if you had dreamed about something so amazing to happen for so long and it finally happened just like that it would not be so long until you thought that you dream had finally came true.
lileykah johanno ameadianty took out there pocket knife and started cutting the ropes they where in just then lileykah and johanno both realized that someone was turning around as if to see what they where doing they stopped and played asleep .  lileykah and johanno  could fool anyone that they where asleep they often fooled there parents at night. and they had perfected the skill . lileykah peeked to see if they where clear all clear she she sghined into johanno's palm.  the twins where fluent in sign language when they where three they started watching sighning time and when they where five they started reading sighning   books when they where seven they asked there parents if they could go to a deaf School but they could not find one close enough to there house.
lileykah and johanno crept out of there ropes and climbed out of the room that was easy they said to each other now what do we do now asked johanno  make sure that guard does not catch us pointing strait ahed to a man dressed as a greek solder  johanno sighned to lileykah climb a tree
lileykah and johanno headed opposite direction's  lileykah headed for  an sycamore tree.  johanno headed for an oak lileykah jumped as high as she could and with one hand berrly caught the branch. meanwhile johanno stepped onto the lowest branch and started on his way up just then there was a haller as the shapeshifting person shape-shifted into a dragon and literally took out the greek guard throwing  him across the court yard. lileykah and johanno both seeing this with wide eye's  suddenly realised that the dragon was going strait for them lileykah and johanno new just what to do they jumped onto the dragons back with two big thuds and and a haller of joy the twins where  soaring through they air  aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh this is by far the coolest thing i'v ever done totally added in johanno oh i love dragons yah and i love that your older then me by  ten seconds so you had to jump first said johanno yep said lileykah now i am known as the first kid to ever jump onto a dragons back and start flying in they air. oh you little aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. the dragon seamed to have tossed them off his back and was heariling them into they air and they where going strait through the open roof of a large building.

chapter # 4  the meeting

Hello children you  have been excepected for exactly one hour and twenty one minutes  lileykah and johanno looked up they weren't a pancake what had happened welcome to the lpp ugggghhhhh excuse me MR.  what does the lpp stand for? ahhh yes child might I start from they beginning ok well first you must    know that lpp stands for leave pings play if you want to leave pings you need to have the pearl
we know all about this pearl would you just skip to the part about the play and when we are going to meat are parents . so it was  you who opened the book after all this time wait sir said johanno  the book had obviously it had been opened before we opened it. said lileykah .  yes we know those where the creature that guards the pearl .  what creature is that what creature is that ?   what rimes with pings?
johanno looked at lileykah wings she said . its a fairy.  a fairy ripped out the page in the book .  why  would a fairy do that.  because you have to urn the pearl and if you know they location then you would not  do the play.

chapter # 5 choice

ok so you want us to do a play for a pearl that can hear and see so we get the pearl so we can leave?
exactly.  just if your play is not good enough you will become one of us and be a shape shifter.
what if we want to become a shape shifter ?   than i ecspect  avery bad play.

*                                                                   *                                                                             *

so lileykah what do you think the worst play we could do is ?
well hmmmmm  they .
i'v got it cried johanno we could do the lorax.  no that's more sad then it is bad.
wait a minute can you remember are last school essay?
you mean midsummers night's dream?
but that was a really good play.
yes but can you remember the play at they end ? you mean the really bad acted one?
how about we act that play really bad .
now we are talking .
so now we need to figure out who we will be.
i'll be the girl and you be all the boys no you and me need to have more than one part
can you remember all of they actors names  lileykah ?
uhhh i know there was a girl who loved a boy and a boy ho love a girl and there was a lion and a knight i think and i'm not sure but i think there was an narrater.
in sense  we d not have we can't remember any of the words in the play...  besides : that is .  yes i think we should do a silent play but then we would not say all of the words  that make the play sooooo funny. oh what are we going to do ?
just then something happened .
lileykah opened her eye 's .
lileykah and johanno  had turned into the akter's  and they where standing on the stage.