Saturday, August 18, 2012

Greetings Non-Winged Ones

I hope that you are having a good time reading this because it is about to get exciting.

Did you know that fairies can't just fly but also swim faster than humans. The kind of fairy that can do this is called a water fairy of course. The funny thing is that the only person who knows about the fairies are usually girls. Because usually girls are the people who watch girl movies. Boys don't aren't always into fairies, but I am lucky that my brother is.

I know that all of you of course know of the fast flying fairies. If you went to the fairy world you would barely get a glimpse of them unless they would stop flying like bees. Of course, fairies don't sting.

Now everyone here I know that they know of the tinker fairy (TinkerBell) but I am not talking about her, I am talking about one who is the best and she can fix anything. Instead of doing it with tools, she does it with magic that she learned. The magic came from an ancient piece of paper that she found when she was digging for some clay for a clay pot that she was making for the grand opening of a museum of tinkers.

She found a piece of paper that told her the most magical spell of all spells. It was called the feather fairy spell. The piece of paper said "say this to your little friend and it will become to send."

Then it said, "say these words as carefully as you can, but don't go slow or it may go"

and then the words were "bouton de rose" (which means in french, rose bud).

So, after she had gotten out of the big whole with the clasy she went to her house and looked at the piece of paper very hard and she decided to say it, but then she saw a little writing on the side of the paper which said, "p.s. be very very careful, for you don't know what this will do. you must say the properly or you will turn into a frog. Please say it peoperly or we will have too many frogs and you know that they like to eat fairies."


  1. I am absolutely starting my next blog post the way you started this one. "I hope that you are having a good time reading this because it is about to get exciting." Brilliant! I love you, my little Scary Fairy. Looking forward to more posts!

  2. Oh no!!! You need to write more because I want to know if she turned into a frog. This is a good story.

  3. Ooooooh! We're followin' th' leader, th' leader, th' Leader... off thru th' woods, trackin' Injuns, lost boyz, an' scoutin' f' Fairies! 'Course we gotta be careful 'bout them frogs what wanna be kissed, y'no! ...Oooo, yuk!
    (I ain't kissin' one.. U kissin' one?... Well, Aye ain't kissin' no frogs!' that beez me final word on it!)

  4. Mags,

    What a great story! I can tell you created it all by yourself and I loved reading about the Fairies! Have a good day.

    Love you,
    G'pa Randy

  5. I didn't know that fairies swim in water. Do they have to come up for air, or can they stay under forever like fish?

  6. I sure hope that the frogs stay away from the fairies! Please tell me more....especially about the water fairies, that was my favorite part......Nana

    Being a boy, I had no idea that there was such a thing as water fairies! As for spells, you should be very careful. I would hate for you to be turned into a frog. I am sure that if you were turned into a frog, you would NOT eat fairies!! Love ya, Pop
